Houseplant Care Products

What are the best houseplant care products?  Check out some of our favorites! Houseplant care products can help keep plants looking just as good as the day you bought them!  The products assist in the looks of the plant as well as feeding the plant and keeping it insect free.  There...

Blueberries…more than an edible delight!

Why Grow Blueberries?          Everyone knows that blueberries are not only delicious, but they have several health benefits, too. But, did you know they are also beautiful in the landscape? Blueberries have gorgeous white blooms in the spring, which are pollinated and turn to into vibrant blue-purple berries. Besides the gorgeous...

Make the Most of your Alstroemeria

Alstroemeria is a plant most commonly known for its long lasting flowers in cut flower arrangements.  But, did you know you can grow it as an annual in Iowa? Alstroemeria is an annual in the northern part of the U.S.  It is very showy if cared for properly. We recommend placing...