This week we are featuring Jackie’s Favorite Thing at Culver’s, the Vintage Dictionary Pages. Keep reading to find out why the Vintage Dictionary Pages are THE item Jackie loves most!
How it all began…
When we asked our buyer, Jackie what her favorite thing at Culver’s was right now, she surprisingly had a quick answer, the Vintage Dictionary Pages! As the buyer, she obviously loves a lot of the items we have in the gift shop, but her connection with books is something special. It all started with her Grandmother. She had a true love for books, some may have called it an obsession. Rather than having just a shelf for her books, she had an entire room! This love was then passed down to Jackie’s mother and soon Jackie began to appreciate books and a collection of books was second nature to her! After her grandmother passed, she was given the task of disposing of her grandmother’s collection. Since it was not feasible to keep everything, she began to ponder what she could do. She gave boxes and boxes of books away, while still keeping several boxes for the store. If you are a regular at Culver’s, you may have seen these books used as risers and planters, as well as pages used in back drops or even on manequins.
While going through the collection, Jackie was fascinated with one specific book, her grandmother’s 1898 Edition of The American Dctionary of the English Language. With the Vintage Dictionary pages sold at Culver’s, you can enjoy the history of the vintage dictionary with a fresh repurposed feel, a mounted piece of art. And, new this summer, these great pieces are available in card from!
One of the most fascinating books from her grandmother’s collection…
to her Mother’s original books of Little Women and Heidi…
And one of Jackie’s favorite things (more styles and hilarious sayings in-store)!